Here are some documents about bottlenecks analysis in the Storage, my contacts found it very useful so I post it for you to see it.
Furthermore, for the BVQ followers I want to give an update about the launch of
BVQ version 3.5.5 on the 21/09/2015.
BVQ version 3.5.5. This is a release that include:
- full V9000 support
- improves the
performance view for VDisk copies and the Treemap colouring for data class
to storage class placement ratings
- solves critical bugs
for the VMware scanner (SSL certificate validation) and child Mdisk group
updates in the SVC scanner
- fixes the updates in
list-views for newly created objects and the forward / backward function
timeframe in the performance view
- corrects the SVC &
BVQ ID labelling in some locations
The complete release notes for version 3.5.5 can be
found here:
Downloads are available here:
Extra links about bottlenecks analysis:
Extra links about bottlenecks analysis:
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